T he funny thing about the concept of illogic is that it needs to be solved in order for it to make sense and make use to us, because we, as the sentient, sapient, thinking apes that we are, always seem to see order and even stability in the miasma of physics, energy and laws that keep our reality intact.
Our senses, our minds register what is happening around us with ease as we comprehend our written and spoken word that we have conceptualized and learned so long ago. On its own, it is just syllables and vibrations, and here is where I really am impressed: that we have invented and learned how to use these sounds to communicate with our fellow beings, thus breaking a barrier between our individuality and turning our shrieks and '-oohs' and '-raars' into Spanish and 'defenestration'. An instance where illogic is used and manipulated to seem like logic, because our human minds have used themselves to do so.
I have one qualm about all that, just one - one small question that would not become an existential crisis for why the Insurgency was made in the first place if the opinions of their leader were starkly contrasting to their goals in the first place. It is a mere curiosity:
Why can't we enjoy and accept Illogic for what it really is? To bravely go into the dark, hazy fog of bosons and quark matter without a metaphorical flashlight to give us direction?
Here's a question for you - have you ever breathed in a Bose-Einstein condensate? It is quite a cold, inviting prelude to a second cessation of my brain functions, and I have savored enough of the vistas of the intersections of the Tigris-Euphrates to realize that to know true science is to know nothing that we currently know about it. There is an altogether different beauty in Illogic that can only be seen by forcing your brain to stop creating order out of randomness. Close your eyes and let the strange, dark, colorful shapes that swim about take you to paradise as your eyes chase the misshapen forms until they disappear from your limited vision.
Ladies and gentlemen, my very dear heroes and saviors of humanity, I am Mihail Arkadiusz Sollomovici, the Haos in Chaos. No, of course that is not my real name. We are more sensible than that. What is real is the words and the sentences I will be saying. Maybe. We never really know what is real anymore, and it was not because of the drugs they had to put in me.
Our mission, our divine purpose that we have independently given ourselves in this happy, blue ball of rock and water and clouds, has always been about bringing our fellow unenlightened man and woman to the Better Future. A future where humanity is thriving, basking in the greatness and glory of the light of knowledge; where the darkness, the tentacled-birds, the moving crying statues, have been mastered and used for our progress, as we learned to control them and keep them from doing us unwanted harm. A very bright, bright future where we have pulled everyone out from the deep trenches of illogic. Nothing but the light of knowledge to chase and splendor in. Yes, that is a very bright future, no?
But with the achievement of light, what will happen to the darkness? What, who will be there to still question it and embrace it? Who will be there to still remember it and have their minds project that irreplaceable, unique sense of wonder and euphoria that can come from being immersed in illogic? Illogic, Xaoc, Kaguluhan, Machafuko, whatever language it is in, it is something else. Something that separates it from knowledge, understanding, order and logic. It is blotted out by the pursuit of knowledge, because illogic is the pursuit of something else. And we have been struggling to find what that something else is for…uh, say about ninety years now. Because while our mission is to create logic out of illogic, never forget that everything logical is illogical, the difference being our ability to perceive.
So I leave you with some food for thought: when we do reach our period of ultimate Enlightenment, will we still take the time to look back at the primordial, malevolent chaos we have come from? Where we have originated?
The thought remains the same with my opinion: as we embrace knowledge, embrace Chaos as well. Our connection and involvement with it is a relationship akin to the a hostage creating an unusual relationship with his kidnapper. Chaos is something we have looked up to, our dark and only comfort amongst all the cards stacking against us, and that is what I love about it: no matter how much is trying to destroy you, disprove your look on life, they will never destroy you as long as you are with Illogic, for Illogic cannot be disproved - it is always there.
It is a very moving act for me, and, I believe I can enlighten you with a small piece of insight during my years as Chaos' vessel: Chaos is something bigger and greater than all of us, it is something else entirely; perhaps a true creator of everything we see, perhaps it is something akin to dark matter, but it is this - something that separates us from the others.
As I conclude my message, I would like to leave a very, very proud round of applause to every one of you, the nucleus of the new age, the living fruits of a flowering race and its innovators. You have made your difference, your mark in the ever-growing empire of humanity, and you have helped to finally, thankfully end the who-knows-how-many centuries of strife and conflict. Continue on our mission, and tread the path between order and chaos well. Keep your head up high, and tread the path with uncertainty to your side, and curiosity to your other.
You have made me a proud leader, and I will be there alongside you all - whether we reach our destiny or be burned out, I promise to do what is best for all of us.
POI Item #: 001
Threat Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Item #001 remains an inert hazard and has not attempted any breach of containment since the July 17 Event. Furthermore, the number of Locks needed to secure and restrain the Item have decreased enough to warrant the use of the standard Locking array. - 12 August 2014
All of POI-001's containment methods have been proven to be ineffective and unable to fully contain the item, therefore all strategies to its storage require the use of deception and bluff to be played out by an agent of Overseer status. The usage of Locks has also been integral to its containment: a Lock is a codename given to any Foundation-made SCP objects that have been released to be captured by other Groups of Interest. All Locks are specially designed to be of great value to the targeted GOI, at the cost of difficult containment or usage.
Description: POI-001, previously Nathan Kaducais Frederiks, is the current leader of the paramilitary opposition group, GOI-006 "The Chaos Revolution", or the Insurgency. Reports from IA officers operating inside the GOI have little intelligence on the POI, as his appearances are few and far between.
So we have my knight and a bishop and three pawns. White has two rooks and six pawns. Seems White is going to win, no?
Not really, since I have my queen all along. Two, actually, and your king is in check.
Forfeit. So that means I win.
"Why do you always insist we have these chess games everyday?
Have you ever looked at a cell with a microscope, Doctor?
"Eh, what?"
"I, I mean of course I have. I've been working in the Bio Department for six years now."
That's good. Very good. But have you ever looked at what is the inside the cell? Especially the little organs in it, what do you call it - yes, the organelles?
"Of course, sir. What about it?"
See, one of the organelles is called the mitochondria, correct? Yes, and this mitochondria is like a generator of power to the cell, correct?
Imagine the whole cell as the Chaos Insurgency. I am the nucleus. I keep the cell alive, and remember that. I am, however, supported - supported by the different branches and specialties that make up the Revolution.
"Yes, sir."
Of course, yes. Our security and Publicity teams, they are our cell wall, yes? We need them to keep the pathogens of order away from our erratic, metaphorical cell.
Logistics and materials are our Golgi apparatus, the post offices and call centers.
"If you see it that way, sir."
Of course I do. Else, I wouldn't be using my time to talk about it.
Our containment teams and handlers…let's say they're our cytoskeletons.
I can take the time to come up with more metaphors and comparisons, but to the point, there is one part we use a lot.
The mitochrondia, dear doctor. Keep us alive. Please.
You may be dismissed now; meeting adjourned.