Hello agents, doctors, and all members of the Chaos Insurgency. This document contains a lot of information about organizations that share similarities (or not) with the Chaos Insurgency and are known to work in the fields of the paranormal and the occult. These groups have different ideologies, objectives, resources or information that may not match the ideology of our organization.
Relations Level:
Relations Description GI-00 A group that has never before come into contact with the Chaos Insurgency. GI-01 A group that is friendly to the actions of Chaos Insurgency and constantly supports them. GI-02 A group that prefers to remain neutral about Chaos. GI-03 A group that is not cooperative with Chaos Insurgency but decides not to enter into conflict with it. GI-04 A group that represents a direct and immediate threat to Chaos insurgency and all of its allies.
Table of Contents
United Nations Global Occult Coalition
The Serpent's Hand
Sarkic Cults
Church of the Broken God
The SCP Farce

United Nations Global Occult Coalition
Following the disastrous events of the Seventh World War and its confluence to the second global conflict of the mundane world, the Global Occult Coalition was brought to existence from the remnants of the world's outspoken experts on anomalous science under the guidance of the United Nations' earliest iterations. Long traditions in parascience and magical arts have been preserved and improved over the decades, and funding from their primogenitor would have ensured their place at the forefront of the world's advancement, were it not for its self-destructive actions against the very anomalies on which it depends.
Most anomalies they find are destroyed with discrimination, although they possess and regularly utilize tangential and anomalous weaponry and gear. Ergo, analysis shows that internal UNGOC philosophy among its personnel is conflicted, and a balance has not been struck between their aims to protect humanity and embrace the paranatural.
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The Serpent's Hand
The para-environmentalist organization known as the Serpent's Hand is composed of anomalous entities. They see themselves as liberators of paranormal beings and are often at conflict with the GOC. Members of this organization range from the Fae, the Atlanteans, mythical and legendary creatures and other strange beings. They are very formidable and are known to utilize their anomalous properties efficiently.
The "Wanderers' Library" is a central hub for their members. Though access to it is cumbersome due to the "Ways", if an opportunity to infiltrate the Library is presented, for the sake of our agents, a single, sturdy strike is all it must take to level it for good.
Members of the Hand utilize their anomalous properties freely and without restraint. Several reality benders, occultists, cryptids, wanted men, and mythological beings usually flock to the Hand for the false sense of security and value the Hand has for them.
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Sarkic Cults
The Sarkic Cults are scattered groups who worship and manipulate organic matter. Their beliefs and practices are as extensive as their history. They were founded on the ancient teachings of an individual known as the Grand Karcist Ion. Based on acquired data, the cults possess an apocalyptic agenda. As a result they have attracted significant attention from the SCP Foundation and the GOC.
The Insurgency have taken interest in their practices for the development of biological weapons under Project Job. However, efforts are underway to neutralize the threat Sarkic Cults presents against the Insurgency and its goals.
Members are secretive and hostile. Some are capable of altering their bodies for combat. Diseases are commonly spread by them against the public to purge those that they consider to be weak. An aversion to fire and technology are observed in a few groups.
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SEPIA is a highly covert multinational entity operating on its directive of war against the preternatural. The organization exclusively possesses technology which erases an object's anomalous properties, effectively making it mundane. Operatives are worldwide and active. 40% of all installations have been victim to SEPIA attacks, most resulting in permanent losses to Items.
SEPIA operates under the principle that everything anomalous must not simply be destroyed, but erased of its anomalous properties. They achieve this with the use of SEPIA devices, each variant specialized in a particular preternatural aspect, i.e., human-animal hybrids, reality manipulators.
Agents of SEPIA are rare, but frequently target Items where our defenses are thin. Note that their tactics lie in a wide range of insertion/infiltration, and that attacks may take place in a matter of seconds. Reports of advanced air weaponry and orbital munitions have been collected.
Consult person-of-interest-uc119-dossier for information on a SEPIA operative
A partial record on this organization's dealings with a Japan-based daemonological terror group has been made available.
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Church of the Broken God
While this organization has not officially been encountered yet, it is a curious and potentially dangerous group that possesses an array of anomalous machinery and devices that they believe are fragments of an omnipotent deity. They intend to collect the supposed deity's fragments in an attempt to recreate it, believing they will obtain godhood in doing so. As such, items believed to be interests of the Church are to be specially stored.
The Church aims to collect all "fragments" of their deity, and are reported to be extremely zealous and determined in attempting to retrieve them. They have displayed mental resistance to most mind-affecting details displayed by their items, and most members have cybernetic or otherwise clockwork replacements/implants on their person.
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The SCP Foundation
The Foundation is the most powerful, enigmatic organization in the world. The primary goal of the Foundation is to secure and contain anomalies while protecting what is defined as normalcy. Several world governments back the Foundation, but they operate as a private entity. Hundreds of personnel are employed by them across their numerous facilities around the globe.
They are most notable for being the progenitor of the Insurgency. The organization was a result of the Foundation's unwillingness to use their vast arsenal of anomalous items for the benefit of mankind. This led to the first members of the Insurgency to defect with several anomalous items in their possession. Further information is available for personnel with sufficient clearance.
The Foundation will attempt to accomplish their goals through whatever means necessary. They are hostile to the Insurgency, seeking to completely eradicate the organization along with other groups of interest. All their field agents operate under absolute secrecy, and they will prioritize the capture of an anomalous target over neutralization.
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