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Yep, it isn't, but instead included from a Wiki only Cad has write access too — Honi soit qui mal y pense. We do however still have the Theme page for the "old" (not the "old old" and not the "old old old") theme up which can be included as a dependable source.

If you look in the admin panel under Appearance > Theme, you'll find we have access to a bunch of mostly similar old themes there aswell (it's how I set the theme for the RP wiki archive). Other stuff, like for the things lifted from the incel wiki (oops, freudian slip there … I of course meant insu) need to have their own theme page.

I'm not sure where WD saves those, so it might be wise to save them somewhere where our crawlers can find it.

If we can wrestle control over this site's theme back in the process, even better.

Eschew elucidation, espouse obfuscation.

Re: A theme page? by ZescZesc, 17 Sep 2024 17:59

Do you mean, posting .css files to the main site?
I do not think the theme we currently use is even saved on this site and instead resides on the CI-international wiki.

Fighting Monsters and Language since 2016.

Re: A theme page? by Meta WonderratMeta Wonderrat, 16 Sep 2024 17:53

One author alone can not write a canon according to Cads definition which I am currently following. I do not take that personally, I just think Moving Shadows moving there muddles the definition of what a canon is. If you want to upgrade Moving Shadows to a canon (without needing to change/add to it) that would be fine with me too, but than we need to redefine what a canon is on this wiki.

Also, what animosities? Did I miss something? I thought I was just slowing down for a time in something that started to stress me (which is not what a hobby should do).

EDIT: There seems to have been one message of you I flat out had not read, opened so that it was no longer a new PM, but never read. So, I guess do not leave open letters lying around before going on extended leave? Also, I do not crack ciphers.

Also you underestimate my power, I ate Coruscant Nihilus style before crashing a ship into Mustafar ending the clone wars. So Vader never lost his body, Padme and Sidius were eaten and the galaxy fractured because suddenly all major powers of the clone wars lost their heads at the same time.

Also, sorry for putting a hat on your cosmic horror. I see game pieces, not hopes and story beets.

Fighting Monsters and Language since 2016.

Re: Tech Notes by Meta WonderratMeta Wonderrat, 16 Sep 2024 17:17

I see what you mean about the shuffling of the interface(I don't intend on doing that as it even annoys the hell out of me sometimes) and how the majority are re-colors(This is similar to what I was intending to do with this theme). Anyway, I'll definitely be fine with helping out on the style resource at some point. (Edit: Warning on the theme that thing burns my battery really quickly might do the same to you.)

- [Insert cool quote here]. - Warrior627

Re: A theme page? by Warrior627Warrior627, 16 Sep 2024 17:16

Frankly, we could make at least that thing (Illogic I as per the admin panel) available somewhere outside of the sandbox. Somehow it's not really accessible to non-admins through "legitimate" means, and having to rely on a SB include or scavenged-together cloudfront links isn't particularily pulchritudinous.

Eschew elucidation, espouse obfuscation.

Re: A theme page? by ZescZesc, 16 Sep 2024 17:09

He might mean people like me who are currently thrown back to 2007 in terms of pc-specs (Long live the Core 2 Duo, but I can not play 720p videos without stuttering).

If you want to apply your own theme there are some pages that do that, I am very taken with the old theme, which can be deployed like so:

[[module CSS]]
/*feel free to use this code and style-sheet*/
@import url(;

I have not deployed it on the main site, but I do not think it would be to hard on peoples hardware. If people are so deep in CI-Development they will utilize themes without needing a hub, but giving people that tool leads to an additional layer of complexity (esthetics, beyond formatting) which is unnecessary in most cases.

EDIT: I was writing this before Zesc answered. This message was not posted with Zescs answer in mind.

Fighting Monsters and Language since 2016.

Re: A theme page? by Meta WonderratMeta Wonderrat, 16 Sep 2024 17:03

It's not a vandalism problem per se (in fact, we never really had a problem with intentional vandalism outside of Meta's "experiment", and very little of the well-intended-newb one either), althought the possibilities are there, of course (Fun story).

No, the deterrent is against using themes in the first place.

So far, outside of the themes we use for the alt formats (1), (2) the only articles that use CSS to redesign things outside of the main document are Please interlock our fingers again (*sigh*), We Are Slaves Of Creatures We Cant See (massively dadaistic, also tends to break a lot) and of course the Valentines 2022 Hub (as an obvious joke).

We allow for far more variance than the SCP wiki when it comes to how you format your articles. There is no need for you to additionally reshuffle the essential interface people use to navigate the site on top of that (note how all those themes were essentially re-colours of the default). Does the layout of your browser window change depending on the websites you visit? Does your ringtone change depending on what app you have currently in focus on your smartphone?

I can't ban people using themes, but I'll make it as difficult for them as possible in order to prevent it.

If you want to use some non-standard yourself, you are free to figure it out, in fact even tell others. I, however, will not be enabling such anti-design which also makes my job of administration harder (imagine we're going to introduce a toggleable dark mode for reading. Now I have X incompatible themes. Joy.)

Still, we should probably get going on the style resource one day. If you want to contribute with that, I can focus resources (= time I'd spend alphabetizing trading cards instead) on that.

EDIT Just to remind you how bad it's probably going to be, I present you my own, barely functional sandboxes with stitched-together themes: The central hub, and my out-of-date Vault canon notepad

Eschew elucidation, espouse obfuscation.

Re: A theme page? by ZescZesc, 16 Sep 2024 16:59

I do get what you mean about how people with "subpar" PC's might not be capable of viewing it, the only real solution I see would be to add a button or toggle for the animated bits. But with the page editing we don't need a deterrent, we could always just revert the history on it and if it continues just follow the "Vandalism/Editing without Permission" rule, though the rule would probably have to be updated to apply it to the themes.

- [Insert cool quote here]. - Warrior627

Re: A theme page? by Warrior627Warrior627, 16 Sep 2024 16:33

We have a "Style Resource" that has been in the works for an emberassingly long amount of time where people can copy individual widgets (think boxes a la Tógálaí, the way I do logs, etc.) for others to share and re-use.

However, I'm not too fond of people putting a middle finger into the face of everybody who requires assistive technology to browse the web (think screen readers), have a "subpar" specced PC (for every changing definitions of "subpar"), is colour blind, reacts nervously to fucking movement on what should be a static page displaying text, wants to print it out for offline reading, or simply interact with the world wide web the way it was meant to be before corporations monopolized every single part of it.

Around here, books aren't judged by their coverbut by their content. If you wrote a good story, you don't need Shakespear's collect works worth of tingly lines in order to express it.

So whilst there isn't a complete ban on this (that'd be hyprocritical given I use some CSS myself), if not having such a page deters people from messing with things they don't understand, and thus dragging in leagues of software bloat and external dependencies (oh yeah, also spyware), then I'll gladly overgo that opportunity.

Eschew elucidation, espouse obfuscation.

Re: A theme page? by ZescZesc, 16 Sep 2024 15:49

I know we have a THEME page, I was thinking of something similar to the SCPF wikidot or Backrooms wikidot with how they have multiple themes for people to choose to match the tone of the article.

- [Insert cool quote here]. - Warrior627

A theme page? by Warrior627Warrior627, 16 Sep 2024 14:42

I changed the front page to now also feature the Latest PoI file as well as the latest alternate format (i.e. other wiki or translated) style. I'm going to fix the weird overflow issues once I get back home.

I also plan to finally finish my Ozor's Uniform Translation, so we have two FR translations; then I'll copy Yorick's ES ones (or rather cross-include them) and add ES and FR to the Projects and Series hub too. (Same goes for Sectors and Steel, probably.)

@Meta: Do you take it personally if Moving Shadows falls under "alternative formats/canons"? If not, I think this might be an agreeable resolution to the recent animosities.

EDIT: Fixed. Doing it with flexbox as is "best practice" didn't work, at least not without restructuring the entire mainpage, so I used absolute positioning which is "not recommended". I think there is something to learn about IT after my birth here.

Eschew elucidation, espouse obfuscation.

Re: Tech Notes by ZescZesc, 12 Sep 2024 14:27

In the last few days I was reading some articles on the foundation's website and I really liked the items that had dialogue, so I decided to include them here too, and about this photo at the end, I edited it so it's bad XD, but I'll keep trying to improve this article and come back with more updates.

by The Guy From BrazilThe Guy From Brazil, 11 Sep 2024 03:37

ok, thanks for the warning, I'll review it and then come back with updates, and I'm sorry if I caused any inconvenience

by The Guy From BrazilThe Guy From Brazil, 07 Sep 2024 16:35

Don't hotlink images. It makes it more difficult for us to confirm the license in this case (you did pick a CC-compliant image, didn't you?) and relies on a third-party website to serve the image. DDG could stale the link at any moment, and I wouldn't be suprised if they do.

Also, you are lacking a rating module.

I recommend you to remove the spaces between the black boxes in your redaction. And in generall, I don't think this is ready to be published yet. Try getting some feedback on this.

Eschew elucidation, espouse obfuscation.

by ZescZesc, 06 Sep 2024 16:03

They offer mediawiki and the .org for 1,50€/month. How much of what we need does that software already have?

I would just take the 2000 package as that includes the .com domain and guarantied RAM.
We get at least 100 subdomains so we could make our main sites, the image archive and sandboxes and still have room.

Fighting Monsters and Language since 2016.

Clicking on the image link doesn't work but copy&pasting the url works, odd.

My prime reason for a a server was more fine-grained control that simple webhosting doesn't always provide; be it messing with some server settings (I'm not sure if mere webhosts offer fine-grained control about IP blacklists, fail2ban, firewalls, etc.) and more importantly, allows us to do with it whatever we please - like running in parallel a Visual Documents page there. Or a crypto wallet for receiving donations.
I don't think that webhosts per-se are bad, but I went with the more expensive option to get an upper limit.
.eu feels weird, but I'll allow it. We (as a project) are not limited to the EU, but we (as a n.V.) are, and I don't think that .eu has too bad a reputation. I'd still prefer something .net or .org (not sure how I fell about .wiki), and gladly you can have the same service under multiple domains!

Oh yeah, don't enter the domain name you want into shady websites, some just decide to buy it on the cheap at zero risk and racketeer you out of your money… at least for 5 days.
Nobody on the internet is your friend.

Looking at netcup, I think I'd still gravitate towards Webhosting 4000 at 6,52 €/mtl. (my understanding is the previous versions all more or less want you to use wordpress or some other CMS?) but that's still less than half of my upper limit, so I give you that.

Eschew elucidation, espouse obfuscation.

Re: Rough outline of costs by ZescZesc, 03 Sep 2024 16:04

Do we even need a full server? I was looking at web hosting.

Also this did not take me long to find and it undercuts your prediction by 10€ a month.
If we go with webhosting on the site we can even get a .eu domain as part of the package.
If you can live with we can go below 2,50€ a month. bringing our yearly total to 26,04€.

Fighting Monsters and Language since 2016.

I think we haven't done this before, so I went around and checked how much maintaining a VPS running the Wiki would actually cost.

The monthly costs will be probably <15 € for renting a VPS. Strato, Hetzner, etc. (even Njalla) basically all have pretty much the same offers for our needs, just with minor variations in RAM, disk space and potential addition services (like a mail server). Some providers have bandwith limits of couple TB/month; my rational mind tells me that our puny ~200 MB wiki will never generate so much traffic, but without statistics from WD (fat chance ever getting those) to back that hunch up, my irrational mind keeps running in circles screaming, spongebob-style.

Running a forum or a git (i.e. mostly "distributed plaintext" kind of deals) should be easily doable with that stuff. Doing more elaborate stuff like an Invidious instance or joining the Fediverse botnet would probably demand beefier servers and therefore cost more.

Yearly costs would additionally be ~10-20 € for a domain (although some providers give you those "for free" when renting from them. Not sure if we are then the actually legal owners of the domain, or whether they "own it for us" then.) Meta has proposed getting something dirt cheap instead, and looking at offerings of .ag or .xyz, that might be a venue to explore. Not.

Other operating costs: ??? Probably some one-time things here and there, not much.

Overall sum: 15 € × 12 + 15 € × 1 = 195 €/yr or 16,25€/mtl

Split that by two and it's less than going to a fast food joint once. And again, we're probably even below that, at least for the first year or so, since most hosters provide spiked candy lower entry prices to bind customers.

Eschew elucidation, espouse obfuscation.

Rough outline of costs by ZescZesc, 02 Sep 2024 14:11

Thank you for your efforts Yorick, always an honor to get translations of my and the others works.

Black Liquid Mirror, I have not heard that name in a long while. I am not even sure where I have put the original. Sadly there are many things on the list that I do not recall ever seeing in the English wiki. My Spanish is non-functional, but I can at least identify my articles when they are translated.

There were times where my items that failed on the English site got translated and only survived on other language sites and the sandbox. Being an internationally translated author is a mark that I ware with pride.

Fighting Monsters and Language since 2016.

Re: Items-ES by Meta WonderratMeta Wonderrat, 29 Aug 2024 19:37

Thank you for your ongoign translation efforts.

We'll want to incorporate these over here; either by cross-wiki include:-ing them, or by having you post them directly here.

@Meta: did you write the Black Liquid Mirror in spanish, or would that be a back-translation? I wasn't aware you published there.

Eschew elucidation, espouse obfuscation.

Re: Items-ES by ZescZesc, 25 Aug 2024 21:05
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