This article is the original wok of Grittz. Therefore all credit goes to him for conceiving of the original article.
Former CI Wiki Administrator Now just CI Wiki member: | Tuum Est: It's up to you
This article is the original wok of Grittz. Therefore all credit goes to him for conceiving of the original article.
Former CI Wiki Administrator Now just CI Wiki member: | Tuum Est: It's up to you
And also a bit of work form {$ DoctorMark} does not match any existing user name. This page was taken from the original site.
Send Message | Regeneration's a lottery.
You should run. Like, fast run. Before those other guys find you and wipe you.
Send Message | Regeneration's a lottery.
You know, when this was posted on the old site, I didn't really give much thought to it. Now, I've realized that I like it a lot.
Send Message | Regeneration's a lottery.
Aside from minor errors like saying it is not sentient and the existence of some poorly worded sentences, I found this interesting.
Agent E | "Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full.” -Leon Trotsky
Just to mention that a time period ago when I was checking the source:
[!-- Sevensealssevenringssevenbridesforthescarletking --]
Now this is spooking me out.
Agent E | "Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full.” -Leon Trotsky
No, it was me, way back last year when I was a total nut for doing stuff like that.
Send Message | Regeneration's a lottery.
Any progress on that? I've been considering rewriting it myself.
I'll turn it over to you. My progress on this is going nowhere.
Send Message | Regeneration's a lottery.
This is Grittz but I have to use another account, lost password and poor email choice. The rewrite is on the Sandbox under my name. I'll probably give it a couple adjustments and wait on someone else before launching it.
Edit: It's up.
Renamed as 'Darling Construct' in light of its rewrite. All backlinked pages have been edited to reflect this. My +1 remains. Well done!
Send Message | Regeneration's a lottery.
I know I arrive late to the party, but I like to mention that this thing allows for some superb fridge horror once you consider some fact:
It might be a far shot off, but what is underneath? Perhaps some ingenious predator? 4 to 6 hours of sleep seem like enough time for me to "nourish" on victims.
It appears like a (more or less literal) honeypot to me: provoke prey into hurting it to get the sugary liquids, stun them, feast.
Eschew elucidation, espouse obfuscation.
Nice theory.
I always read it as: Innocent creature that is surrounded by concrete, death and violence. A creature that is always brought into situations where a furry would be inappropriate, mainly fields of battle and carnage. (If we send Sigmas to do our intelligence, we expect carnage)
Fighting Monsters and Language since 2016.
Writer of this item (said this above but lost access to the Grittz account so I can't change that awful avi). I don't remember writing this or that Bed of Wealth I made at all so really, any your guesses work. Glad you enjoyed it, though. Meanwhile, I'm kind of cringing over both these items. Might do another rewrite-spree sometime but no promises.
Well, it stood the test of time quite well.
Perhaps rather than rewrite, just write something new, like a sequel or something else entirely.
Fighting Monsters and Language since 2016.
While I enjoyed a few clarifications, I wonder why you cut out its random objects obsession.
The new way does not imply fixation on inanimate stuff. I do not know how you did it, but my guess is that simply mentioning "anyone" instead of "objects" changed how I read the section.
With that different reading it does not have the Wilson (from Castaway) vibes of it being so lonely that it talks with inanimate objects. I found that trait rather endearing.
Something else, how do we keep the pacifiers good will if regularly shock it? Since this new version already questioned insurgency hostility towards it, this new version seems even less likely to just be manipulated (like we would tell a child that its pain saves the lives of the people around them that were nice to them).
I read old and new back to back, so both things might be non issues and just a result of direct comparison.
Fighting Monsters and Language since 2016.
Oh hey, you're still around too.
Yeah, the change from Paci staring at people instead of objects was deliberate. It was meant to add a dash of eeriness and play into this subtheme of being misunderstood. It was misunderstood by its creators (who I might have plans to expand on) and it's happening again with some CI members.
The thing is, Paci has the mind like that of a small child and isn't really aware how bad it had it in Mexico, and still gets it from the CI. Right now, the CI aren't like the masked people, so it's content with its current situation (but that might change). It was being friendly towards Kaller in the interviews because he's the nicest person it's ever interacted with… How nice Kaller really is I'm not sure yet, he's mostly a blank slate at the moment… Some of these details I need to add to the article itself in the future.
I do plan on expanding upon this article and the money bed, so I appreciate the feedback. As for your suggestions on a sequel, I might write one of sorts through a tale. There's a lot I'll have to realize about the CI first though.