I like the new layout you made. It looks nice.
Former CI Wiki Administrator Now just CI Wiki member: | Tuum Est: It's up to you
I like the new layout you made. It looks nice.
Former CI Wiki Administrator Now just CI Wiki member: | Tuum Est: It's up to you
Thanks a lot! It took a few minutes to get the hang of things, but I managed to memorize a lot of the syntaxing language for tables and div blocks now.
Send Message | Regeneration's a lottery.
I added in a better image than the previous one :P
Former CI Wiki Administrator Now just CI Wiki member: | Tuum Est: It's up to you
You messed up what seemed to be a good layout lolz. I liked it the way it was before. You can clone the page and work on it offsite you know? Not really complaining just stating.
On a side-note it looks good so far but yeah you should fix it.
Former CI Wiki Administrator Now just CI Wiki member: | Tuum Est: It's up to you
I dun-goofed. But I reverted it back to normal. And yeah, I have a personal sandbox where I test out themes and new stuff, but that place is too organized.
Send Message | Regeneration's a lottery.
Looking better now.
Former CI Wiki Administrator Now just CI Wiki member: | Tuum Est: It's up to you
How do you know that my blood stained palms will take care of a greater plan?
Non puoi sconfiggere la mente,con la mente
You cannot defeat the mind, with the mind
Hello my time and space displaced friend.
This thread is not for general conversation, so let us move from this place.
Fighting Monsters and Language since 2016.
Nice on the new layout Cad and Ed! I was playing around for like five hours trying to figure out how to stick the image on the header and i see that's impossible to do. So I want to know how the hell the foundation does it cause it would at least make sense and always be there on every page transition. If its legitimately impossible and someone has to get a pro account then lets not hassle with it cause regardless it looks nice and no one should spend the money for pro just for a logo. It really does look nice guys and i appreciate you guys liking it, give thanks to you too Cad, your design overall.
Think for yourself, question authority
Well if you would like, You can send a PM to Aelanna and ask her how she did it. But it could be part of the pages template itself.
Also I took the liberty of putting your logo in the center already so maybe that will suffice for now?
Former CI Wiki Administrator Now just CI Wiki member: | Tuum Est: It's up to you
That sounds like something I will do. She in charge of design on the site? And by in charge i mean is she still active? Also, it really is great. But i think we should at least attempt to get the image on the header cause it will boost our professionalism. But yes, it will suffice perfectly Ed. Good work.
Think for yourself, question authority
She's the one who designed the current site layout yes. She designed the current SCP Foundation layout. She's a professional programmer as well so she could give you some pointers. Just ask politely.
Former CI Wiki Administrator Now just CI Wiki member: | Tuum Est: It's up to you
You get the url of the image, stick it in the header part of the theme. There's a lot more to that, but I'm just trying to twerk things for the site.
Send Message | Regeneration's a lottery.
Just look for the image within the page header. or just make a whole new theme all together i guess.
Well, let's see how she did it with theirs if shes willing to tell us good and if not that's fine and were on our own. But Cad how will a URL help if the internet doesn't have the specific address for you to use? We can't use flicker and we can't use the image I sent to all you guys.
Think for yourself, question authority
Actually, a few days ago, I did fit the logo in the header, clean and proud. But it took major space on the header, I'll try fixing the header size, but we need to sacrifice a few px of space for it. Everyone ok with that?
And, to answer you, you just right click on the image, copy image location and paste it on a snippet code in the header, no repeat and fixed placement.
Send Message | Regeneration's a lottery.
For the love of god, can somebody please fix the dash not being next to my name? It's been bugging me ever since the Physics Engine became featured.
Victor Strate | "If you ever get in a gunfight with somebody, just make sure to keep aiming for his groin until you've hit it at least once. That way, even if you lose your life in the fight, that bastard'll never breed."
Anybody want to go ahead and add the Random Item challenge here?
Victor Strate | "If you ever get in a gunfight with somebody, just make sure to keep aiming for his groin until you've hit it at least once. That way, even if you lose your life in the fight, that bastard'll never breed."
I wish there were puns to make with my name.
Victor Strate | "If you ever get in a gunfight with somebody, just make sure to keep aiming for his groin until you've hit it at least once. That way, even if you lose your life in the fight, that bastard'll never breed."
No Victor, be STRATEful there aren't.
oh and to answer you question, I already did and I will be VICTORious
snail sentry <— (check out my entry if you haven't already, people besides Victor and Ed who voted on it already but I mean if you two want to read it again cuz its so awesome feel free to do so)
The edministration edmits nothing
Former CI Wiki Administrator Now just CI Wiki member: | Tuum Est: It's up to you
This post goes out to EVERYBODY for the sake of accuracy (in everyones tales) I would Like to know where everyones avatar is stationed.
Ex) I'm Doctor Halsey Gamma level at Base Four
I would research it myself but won't because,
A- I'm lazy
B - not everyone has said where they are yet
C - I'm lazy
If, as the chaos Insurgency keeps your workstation above gamma clearance ( or you don't really know yet yourself) insteas put data redacted in nice all caps bracketed.
Thanks in advance for your help.
PS If you fill your response with only black boxes and no text I will kill you…
Hi! I'm Martin Caduceus, Item Research, Usage and Containment specialist and medical, Base Six and Eleven. Beta level researcher. Depending on the universe, may also be a psychiatrist. Often seen in Med Sectors/Item Storage, doctor-ing patients and researching Item properties, respectively.
Now personal details: fond of berry mints, dart guns and scalpels. And uh..
I think you can benefit easier by just reading my personnel bio here: Dr Martin Caduceus
Send Message | Regeneration's a lottery.
This isn't the place to post this kind of thing. Do it in the Quiet Thread please.
Ed edit: or make a new thread in "Entrophy in Universe" section of the forums
Former CI Wiki Administrator Now just CI Wiki member: | Tuum Est: It's up to you
Too late now. But Halsey, get the message? We can continue your question over there once you start a new thread
Send Message | Regeneration's a lottery.
This is a secure network that is under 24/7 extensive surveillance
Just sayin', but if it's already 24/7 surveillance there is no such thing as an extensive version of that.
Agent E | "Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full.” -Leon Trotsky
Unless you plan on fucking around with the Physics Engine to add more time to the day, then no, that still doesn't really work. Some other word might do, but extensive makes it sound like you have more than 24 hours in a day.
Victor Strate | "If you ever get in a gunfight with somebody, just make sure to keep aiming for his groin until you've hit it at least once. That way, even if you lose your life in the fight, that bastard'll never breed."
Say, Cad, why did you get rid of the logo ;_;
Agent E | "Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full.” -Leon Trotsky
^ I prefer the old layout.
Agent E | "Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full.” -Leon Trotsky
If the change isn't popular we can always revert it, but give it time.
Send Message | Regeneration's a lottery.
I am specifically referring to the logo. I do not see any reason of having it removed, unless a better one is on the way.
Agent E | "Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full.” -Leon Trotsky
I concur…
unless another sidebar is going in that space feels wasted and the layout a bit lopsided.