Alright, as promised in another thread I can't be bothered to find right now, I've taken a look at the feasibility of MediaWiki as wiki software for us.
My verdict: our wiki is small enough and without weird edge cases that we can afford migration. Attempting this with stuff like SCP-EN would be something not even a masochist would enjoy.
Now a breakdown:
Uargh. Setting this up was not fun, mostly because of PHP; the database was a breeze. I used the TinyPHP server for a local instance, and promptly ran into an issue with the International Components for Unicode which… didn't function, except they should have been included. Took my like an hour of fiddling with versions, downloading random binaries, etc. until I decided to screw it an compile them myself, which finally worked.
I refuse to ever be the sole person in charge of hosting the wiki should we decided to get a private server. But honestly, Miraheze (or in a pinch ShoutWiki) probably offers more than we could ever wish for, at less cost and effort.
Hypothetical Migration
I've taken a look at the Python Script to translate WD source into MW source and honestly… even I could do better
However, we need to do the whole thing mostly manually anyway, because WD isn't giving anyone API access anymore, meaning we have to manually copy'n'paste the page source and throw it into the script. Then we can also take the opportunity to check the input/output if there are any weird things that require special attention. As we don't have pages that rely on on dark magic (e.g. ListPages, heavy JS for interactivity, CSS animations, other things that really have no place in creative writing) that shouldn't be too much, and leaves the script to be relatively simple (formatting is almost primitive token replacement, most complex is probably parsing and re-assembling tables).
At less than 200 pages, this is something that can be done manually, especially when multiple people help. Get some 6+ hour supercut of some recorded lecture, sigh, and get working.
Collapsibles and and Tab Views
There are, however, two features of WikiDot which I believe can not be (directly) transferred over to MediaWiki: Collapsibles and and Tab Views, which MW doesn't feature
As these rely on JavaScript, and MediaWiki doesn't require JS to display correctly (huzzah!) they also can't be easily re-created using transclusion or something else. Sure, some extremely contrived CSS gizmo might also get the job done without JS, but at this point, I dare to ask the question: do articles really need these features? Like, these are meant to be documents that can be printed. And the way articles are structured, you're supposed to read all of them anyway, so the argument of "hiding away option content that might not interest everybody" falls away. I consider these an anti-pattern, and even though I used Collapsibles myself in the past (only twice) though, notice that they are mostly absent from our fiction anyway, barring outliers like Elizabeth Kaitlyn or Sporal Contagion which could be rewritten trivially whilst still preserving the author's vision. (Note that they both are rather old articles.)
Voting and Forum
MW does not have a voting functionality by default, nor does it have a forum (talk pages are such an affront we're just going to ignore them). However, there exist a multitude of extensions both for Voting and Forums which we can use. I haven't tried and compared them yet, but there are plenty to choose from. Jot this down as a TODO. I believe all the extensions for rating use a 3 to 5 star rating scale rather than the primitive Up-/Downvotes of yonder. I have basically no experience with PHP, but can probably adapt the number of stars to 2 and design the widget accordingly. (Just like CLU, I can only alter or delete.) The same thing technically also applies to bread crumb navigation, but we don't use that anyway.
Being made by reasonable people, there is not much opportunity for WD-like in-page styling with CSS. Instead, the whole wiki is styled by a theme. These are default, but can be changed either via URL arguments or for logged-in users in their user settings. (I.e. ?useskin=vector for Wikipedia if you want to revert the horrible change that was pressed against overwhelming contra votes on the world.) There currently exists no theme that suits our needs, but that can be changed; I consider halopedia's Nimbus theme as a good foundation so we don't have to start from scratch.
- MW is perfectly useable without JavaScript
- MW is stable
- MW lacks the many many undocumented "surprise features" of WD
- MW can be hosted on independent servers that don't make us rely on some dubious polish company that won't let us use HTTPS
- MW syntax is widely known
- MW lets use pick from many useful extensions
- Letting users pick their own themes instead of hard-coded atrocities as became common here strikes a balance between individuality and accessibility
Eh, honestly forgot where I was going with this post, but, uh… MediaWiki is cool, and I think we should use it. But I'm above getting blinded by the shiny new functional thing and just rush for it like brain dead.
I'd recommend looking more into the extensions and what else is needed to copy our current wiki structure over (and perhaps identify flaws in the current one and try to make it better in the new wiki), and then start with a private wiki limited to the future admins who keep copying stuff over until it is up-to-date with the main wiki, where we will open it as read-only to the public and try to slowly phase it in (and the main wiki out) before opening it for contributions and, upon seeing that it works, beginning to sunset the WD site.
I'm not even trying to sugarcoat this; the whole process is probably going to take until somewhen in 2025. Better than jump-starting and then running out of steam whilst also getting caught up in technological debt and pitiful planning.