For crying out loud, we haven't even made a real thread for the Review, and so, here we are.
A few notes:
- All Mass Review team members are considered 'staff' in a sense, and are welcome to post in the Strategy Boardroom
- As the Mass Review team is run by volunteers, don't fret about being not being recognized. If you've done work, or want to, welcome.
We have done preliminary pruning of the Item Checklist. Number of items considered "successful or ok enough" is 24 as of time of writing - a sharp drop from the 37 or so pre-Review.
Successful Rewrites:
- Physics Engine - by narconika
- QUAESITOR - by DrCaduceus
Link to Items Checklist: checklist-items
Link to Page Discussion on Item Checklist: Go here.
Link to thread for Tales Review: Go here.
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