![]() CI DOCUMENT ARCHIVE ![]() Delta Clearance Section All content from the following section are restricted to personnel with a Delta Clearance Level or higher. Content must remain unchanged unless personnel carries ALPHA approval. |
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Area Alpha-Solace-5 |
Area Codename: | Alpha-Solace-5 |
Area Location: | Around northern Saipan Island |
Size: | Unclear |
Discovery Date: | ██/█/1948 |
Area Type: | Aqua Testificata |
Site: | [Classified] |
Overview: Area Alpha-Solace-5 consists of the shoreline of northern Saipan Island, stretching from ocean areas near the Banzai cliff to the Bird Island Reef, and ocean areas expanding from the coast ranging approximately 1.25 kilometers. [DATA REDACTED] According to local authorities, there was an abnormal amount of human missing and death cases reported within the general area of Alpha-Solace-5. SCP Site-34 was established on Bird Island during 1949, dedicated to the studying and observation of Area Alpha-Solace-5.
Anomaly Report: Numerous local fisherman and boats were reported to disappear after traveling within the vicinity of Alpha-Solace-5. Seawater within the area shown no anomalous properties of any form. Area Alpha-Solace-5 is currently under observation.
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Gamma Clearance Section
All content from the following section are restricted to personnel with a Gamma Clearance Level or higher. Content must remain unchanged unless personnel carries ALPHA approval.
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Area Alpha-Solace-5 |
Area Codename: | Alpha-Solace-5 |
Area Location: | Around northern Saipan Island and small areas within the Philippine Sea |
Size: | Unclear |
Discovery Date: | ██/█/1948 |
Area Type: | Aqua Testificata |
Site: | SCP Foundation Site-34, currently disguised as normal scientific research facility |
Overview: Area Alpha-Solace-5 consists of the shoreline of northern Saipan Island, stretching from ocean areas near the Banzai cliff to the Bird Island Reef, and ocean areas expanding from the coast ranging approximately 2 kilometers. Area Alpha-Solace-5 was originally recovered by SCP Foundation personnel during ███████ of 1948 and notified to the Insurgency by intelligence sources embedded within the SCP Foundation. According to local authorities, there was an abnormal amount of human missing and death cases reported within the general area of Alpha-Solace-5. SCP Site-34 was established on Bird Island during 1949, dedicated to the studying and observation of Area Alpha-Solace-5. The Area is also currently under observation by the Insurgency.
Anomaly Report: Numerous local fisherman and boats were reported to disappear after traveling within the vicinity of Alpha-Solace-5. Seawater within the area shown no anomalous properties of any form. Up to this date, there are numerous collections of remains belonging to various types of water-crafts and tools recovered from Alpha-Solace-5. Examples of the discovered remains include:
- A section of a trawler's cabin wall with a size of approximately 3m x 2m x 1m. Large holes and tears can be seen on the remain.
- Fragment of a broken stern, possibly belonged to a wooden raft.
- Torn cotton sail. Certain tear marks and bullet holes can be seen.
- Snapped fiberglass fishing rod, and with its snapped end scorched.
- A fragment of a ship hull. Contains large apparent holes and a singed surface.
- A snapped sailboat mast. Possesses unidentified round marks and thread-like etches on surface.
Area Alpha-Solace-5 is currently under observation.
Appendix A:
On the afternoon of █/█/1953, an unidentified human carcass was recovered on the beach of Bird Island. Autopsy reports and examinations revealed the subject suffered from multiple stab wounds which punctured his stomach and right leg. Subject was reported to expire from drowning.
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Beta Clearance Section
All content from the following section are restricted to personnel with a Beta Clearance Level or higher. Content must remain unchanged unless personnel carries ALPHA approval.
Note: You are currently viewing the SCP Foundation document containing information regarding Item Eternal Selach (SCP-████).-SCP Foundation Site-34 Director ████████ (Chaos Insurgency Intelligence Department Agent ██████, Beta Clearance) |
Item #: SCP-████
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: All public visitors are to be denied access near central areas of Area Alpha-Solace-5 within the perimeter of Bird Island and Site 34 (publicly referred as Bird Island Marine Reserve). Direct contact with SCP-████ and exploration of deeper sections in Area Alpha-Solace call for authorization from Foundation personnel with a minimum clearance of level 4.
Description: SCP-████ is a collection of anomalous marine species. SCP-████ species vary wildly, with different behavioral patterns. SCP-████ instances are usually found within the known range of Area Alpha-Solace-5, although there were recorded events of rare encounters with SCP-████ instances outside the known range. SCP-████ instances possess an extremely erratic behavioral pattern and are often hostile to subjects within attack range. SCP-████'s periodic attacks are accounted for a large amount of injuries and deaths which occurred within Area Alpha-Solace-5.
There are currently five types of SCP-████ species found within Area Alpha-Solace-5:
- SCP-████-A: A species resembling the Isistius brasiliensis. Four instances have been captured from Alpha-Solace-5. Instances have a bio-luminescent head and possess a circular steel jaw capable of spinning clockwise two revolutions per second. SCP-████-A instances are the most abundantly found SCP-████ species within Alpha-Solace-5 so far. Instances are known to roam in hidden areas close to the shore of Saipan Island.
- SCP-████-B: SCP-████ species resembling a member of the Sphyrnidae family. There are no captured instances as of yet. Reports reveal that SCP-████-B instances have a metallic head structure with spinning appendages. Instances seem to be extremely wary of large water-crafts.
- SCP-████-C: [REDACTED]
- SCP-████-D: An SCP-████ species extremely similar to Isurus oxyrinchus. Instances possess a sharp snout composed of an unknown type of metal. SCP-████-D species are known to reach a top speed of 95 kph.
- SCP-████-E: Reports of SCP-████-E are primarily unconfirmed sightings made by personnel. Reports of this specimen vary wildly, with a size ranging from 15 to ██ meters. Sightings of SCP-████-E instances occur in comparatively deeper areas of Area Alpha-Solace-5.
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Photograph of mass marine organism deaths during event |
Addendum-████-1: On 6/13/1954, intensive and abnormal activities were reported to occur within the vicinity of Alpha-Solace-5. Starting from approximately 7:00 AM, numerous reports of apparent sounds resembling gunshots, artillery fire, and yelling heard were made by local civilians. The sounds faltered during the afternoon, only to rise in volume around Area Alpha-Solace-5 at midnight. During the morning of 6/15/1954, an abnormal influx of marine animal carcasses washed ashore around the northern and eastern sides of the island. The event lasted for 26 days, with its effects spreading throughout the entire island during the course of the event. Amnestics were administered to civilians subsequently. Ongoing investigations regarding the cause of this event are inconclusive.
Note: Requesting authorization for conducting explorations of deeper sections of Alpha Area-Solace-5. -Dr. Bayer
Denied. -Site Director ████████
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Beta Clearance Section
All content from the following section are restricted to personnel with a Beta Clearance Level or higher. Content must remain unchanged unless personnel carries ALPHA approval.
Item Codename: | Eternal Selach |
Item Designated Name: | Imperial Sharks |
Size: | Varies |
Type: | Sentient marine organisms |
Living: | Yes |
Sentient: | Yes |
Potential/Current Hazards | Hostile towards subjects specimens perceive as enemy assets |
Required Wear/Weaponry | Handling personnel and assets must undergo Procedure-ES-Red before coming in contact with specimens |
Locations: | Area Alpha-Solace-5, Area Alpha-Solace-6, Area Alpha-Core-1, CI Base 11, CI Base 16, Insurgency Naval Base 2, SCP Foundation Site-34 (Currently under Insurgency control) |
Reported Anomaly: | Hostile, anomalous marine life |
Item Imperial Sharks is utilized for Insurgency naval operations and defense of bases by taking advantage of its hostile behavior. Due to the Item's biological and secretive nature, Item specimens can engage in certain undercover operations difficult for regular Insurgency personnel to complete. Imperial Shark specimens' are primarily to be deployed for sabotaging enemy ships. Item1 could be only deployed into a large source of saline water, but possesses the capability of damaging structures and killing enemy personnel when near shore. There are currently four Insurgency bases armed with Item Imperial Shark specimens for defense.
Due to hostile nature of specimens, Item should be only deployed/transported when Insurgency sea transportation underwent Procedure-ES-Red. To commence Procedure-ES-Red, all assets that come in direct contact must complete their instructions accordingly:
- Sea Transportation: All Insurgency water-crafts must only carry symbols and/or flags of the Imperial Japanese Navy or the Empire of Japan when making contact with specimens and within Area Alpha Solace-5.
- Handling Personnel: All handling and transporting personnel are required to be of Japanese descent. Handling personnel are required to be dressed in World War II era Japanese army uniform.
- Harvest methods: To harvest Imperial Shark specimens from Alpha-Solace-5 for Insurgency operations and defense installments Item specimens should be lured into a transparent container2 allowing limited movement with raw meat. Certain specimens require oxygen pumps to assist breathing while stationary. Specimens are observed to have a low survival rate when spent any time longer in container than two days, so deployment should happen as soon as possible after harvest to ensure the completion of an operation without complications.
- Remotely detonated explosives are to be attached to non-explosive specimens to avoid capture prior to commencing operations.
- Civilians who may possibly witness the transportation/deployment of specimens are to be administered with amnestics.
- All existing SCP Foundation personnel in SCP Site-34 are to be administered with amnestics subsequent to each deployment or transport.
All civilians within Area Alpha-Solace-5 who were reported to witness Imperial Shark specimens are to be administered with amnestics. Specimens that are captured or missing in action must have their attached explosives detonated. Public visits to Area Alpha-Solace-5 are strictly prohibited.
Item Imperial Sharks is a collection of anomalous and genetically mutated marine species belonging to the Selachimorpha order. Item Imperial Shark specimens are found within the vicinity of Areas Alpha-Solace-5, Alpha-Solace-6, and Alpha-Core-1.
Despite the fact that there are many different species of Imperial Sharks, all species are capable of communicating and interacting peacefully with each other, and even assisting each other to complete tasks. All Imperial Shark species seemingly live and cooperate with each other in an extremely organized manner, with each species specialized in a different role of survival. Item specimens are extremely hostile towards all human subjects. However, it is observed that specimens display no hostility towards subjects carrying symbols or features of the Imperial Japanese Navy or the Empire of Japan.
The appearance of Imperial Shark species vary wildly, with a variety of behavioral patterns. There are currently five types of Imperial Shark species found within Area Alpha-Solace-5:
- ES-Alpha: A species resembling the Isistius brasiliensis. Four specimens have been captured from Alpha-Solace-5. Specimens have a bio-luminescent head and possess a circular steel jaw capable of spinning clockwise two revolutions per second. ES-Alpha specimens are known to seemingly scout their surroundings. Specimens are known to roam in hidden areas close to the shore of Saipan Island.
- ES-Beta: Eternal Selach species resembling a member of the Sphyrnidae family. ES-Beta specimens have a metallic head structure with spinning chain-like appendages resembling mine flails on the side of its head that can reach up to 5 meters long. Specimens are observed to detonate naval mines with their chain-like appendages and have a metallic frontal body very resistant to most explosive blasts.
- ES-Gamma: A species observed to have a similar appearance to the non-anomalous species Cetorhinus maximus. Specimens contain a high composition in their bodies of an unknown type of synthetic fiber that are tested to be extremely fire-resistant. ES-Gamma specimens are capable of projecting streams of magnesium fire from their oral cavities. Unlike normal Cetorhinus maximus species ES-Gamma specimens are capable of temporarily elevating their cephalic portions out of water.
- ES-Delta: An Eternal Selach species extremely similar to Isurus oxyrinchus. Specimens possess a sharp, metal snout. ES-Delta species are known to reach a top speed of 95 kph. Each specimen possesses a weapon resembling a harpoon gun attached to its body.
- ES-Epilson: Reports of ES-Epilson are primarily unconfirmed sightings made by personnel. Reports of this specimen vary wildly, with a size ranging from 15 to ██ meters. Sightings of ES-Epilson specimens occur in comparatively deeper areas of Area Alpha-Solace-5.
- ES-Stigma: ES-Stigma specimens possess body parts resembling the Carcharias taurus species. An outer layering of rolled homogeneous armor plates with the average thickness of 10 mm can be found on all specimens. Each ES-Stigma specimen is able to carry and fire three small naval torpedoes (designated ES-S/Type 1). ES-Stigma specimens are capable of traveling in the same speed as a normal Carcharias taurus specimen.
- ES-Zeta: ES-Zeta specimens are similar to the shark species Galeocerdo cuvier. ES-Zeta possess a layering of RHA armor plates with the average thickness of 20 mm around major body parts. ES-Zeta specimens are capable of deploying up to four small torpedoes (designated ES-E/Type 1).
- ES-Eta: An Imperial shark species resembling the Carcharodon carcharias. Specimens have an average length of approximately 10 meters. ES-Eta specimens possess RHA armor plating around its body with an average thickness of 35 mm. Specimens are capable of deploying one Type 93 naval torpedo of the Imperial Japanese Navy.
- ES-Theta: Specimens of ES-Theta are reported to reach lengths as long as 22 meters. Specimens resemble the Rhincodon typus. ES-Theta specimens sightings are uncommon within Area Alpha-Solace-5. Specimens are reported to carry two naval torpedoes. Many other Imperial Shark species are seen traveling alongside ES-Theta specimens.
- ES-Iota: A species found with exoskeleton plates around its body. ES-Iota specimens possess cephalopod limbs ranging to lengths up to five meters.
- ES-Kappa: One Imperial Shark species usually seen at the lower portions of Area Alpha-Solace-5. Attempted capture of a ES-Kappa specimen resulted in a explosion seemingly detonated by the specimen, killing 15 SCP Foundation personnel and destroying a water vehicle.
Pending further additions.

ALPHA Authorization Section
Viewing content from the following section are restricted to personnel with ALPHA authorization. Content must remain unchanged unless personnel carries ALPHA approval for modification.
Alpha-Solace-5 Exploration Log 1-
System Error;
Terminating System;
System Failure; Warning archive system failure
Error 7405; Operation fa&$#%
Loading Incoming Message; signal detected: Area Alpha-Core-1
It was the 20th of June, in 1944.
It has been six hours since the boarding of Spirit. The Americans have landed.
The Spirit was not at all comfortable. But small submarines of the Empire like this magnificent one were not designed for comfort. They were designed for stealth, for honorable acts of valor. The level of secrecy of this journey to Saipan is mystifying; it was apparent that such operation was ordered directly from the Emperor. We were reminded that we were doing a crucial task for the Empire and bringing the key to victory in the Pacific. I, among all of those aboard, had no idea of the reason behind the emphasis of the importance of this operation. However, I deduced that it was a measure of despair, facing such critical conditions in the Philippine Sea.
Being a man who can hardly keep his mouth shut, Captain Hideyoshi gave us some clues of the operation's purpose that were technically supposed to be restricted from us. An ambiguous cargo, one of extreme value and importance, was picked up from the South China Sea three days ago. The purpose of this trip was to transport the cargo from the Port of Tokyo to a designated location at Saipan. The cargo was not to be opened until its arrival at the aforementioned location. Upon arrival, we were to follow all the directions provided by personnel at the site of delivery. Initially I was surprised that he had the discipline to know not to speak too much of the contents of the cargo, but then it was apparent that he had no idea of what cargo of importance it was either.
Since I was little, it was honestly a dream for me to serve my country on a battleship, bringing pride and news of triumph home to my homeland and family. But, looking at now, our Empire is losing its grasp. Instead of a battleship, I am on a miserable and benign submarine, delivering a cargo with a slight hope of regaining hope for the fate of our country. Whatever are the implications of this supposedly vital operation, it is certainly not as glorious as I anticipated.
Sometimes I just hope for the war to end. It has been two years since I heard news about my brother. Tomoko left a month after the attack on Pearl Harbor. I hope that this operation will help stop all our suffering, whether if it ends in a victory or not for the Empire. Of course, I hope all my blood and sacrifice will contribute to the victory of my people. But being pessimistic, I am content with just ending our long suffering.
I woke up the next day to the deafening honk of Hideyoshi's horn. We were near our location.
Staying on a submarine felt abnormal. You can never catch a glimpse of daylight, and if I have stayed any longer I would've forgotten what it was and how it shines. I've heard stories of crew members having their sleeping time reversed because their bodies could not tell if it was night or day.
As we ate breakfast, Captain Hideyoshi told us today's agenda. We were to carry the cargo off the sub once arrive during 8 AM at our destination. Then we will follow whatever instructions there were for us to follow.
A wave of apprehension passed through us after breakfast. When we went to retrieve the cargo, it was surprisingly light. I couldn't help but feel nervous about how such a light object would require a cargo box with the length of two meters to contain.
"Twenty minutes," Hideyoshi called. We prepared our items and waited.
The most unfortunate was not destined to happen to Spirit. It was the only key left for the Empire's survival, a stealthy and subtle submarine.
Hideyoshi blazed his horn as sparks flew and water spewed in. We presumed that it was an air-dropped homing torpedo.
We were not taught of what precautions to take under such circumstances. That is due to the fact that when such circumstances are present a moment of silence from our superiors at their headquarters usually ensues, as they rethink their strategic battle plans or pray for our lives, with the former being much more likely. We were plunging down the depths of the ocean fast, and the torrents seeped in like icy phantoms.
We exchanged glances of abject terror as chaos ensued around us. Our submarine transmission was destroyed. "Emergency procedures, emergency…" Hideyoshi muttered under his breath as he raced towards the cargo.
"What is it?" I urged.
"Take," he managed to say as the Spirit tumbled, "take out the object." He unlocked the lock and fumbled around the cargo box. Within layers of padding, there laid another box.
"Shit," he uttered loudly. An explosion was heard at the rear end of the submarine. Hideyoshi opened the smaller cargo box. There it laid, a long sleek object wrapped in linen and strings. It bore the shape of a sword.
"Then activate…" Hideyoshi's voice was cut off by an explosive noise. The submarine jerked, and water rushed in. The seawater crawled into our chambers, embracing and numbing us with its icy arms. The walls of Spirit cracked, and it snapped in half. I was struck blind with a cold torrent, and heard my comrades' muffled yells. The water was sapping my conscious away, as I felt its demonic arms pressing my face down at the floor and snuffing out my breath. My eyes stung, and it felt fiery in my throat. I looked around and could not see anything. It was completely dark.
I closed my eyes as I felt death drew closer. There was no other sensation other than an approaching figure of death. I opened my eyes at the last moment, and realized that I was holding a sword. It radiated softly in red, seemingly dissolving the linen wrapping around it.
My body jerked upwards without conscious control. My arm lifted itself up, holding the sword and pointing it forwards. It laid in front of an approaching figure.
As it emerged out of the dark, I saw its snout and opened jaw. Rows of teeth. I lunged forward, plunging the sword into its throat.
A flash of growing heat exploded in front of me. I felt my conscious being knocked out, and slowly fading into darkness.
Enemy detected.
We shall never see light again
Dispatch the 11th infantry division.
We have left our families and homes. Please just settle down.
Enemy detected. Assault will commence shortly. The empire is currently in a dire situation. We must not hesitate to eradicate all who stand in our path.
The days of amity and peace. Of prosperity and love. Of friendship.
All signs of weakness and lack of full loyalty will be subject under the discipline of the Imperial army. Long live the emperor.
Message Ended