Blood Berry Plant
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Item: Blood Berry Plant
Size: Varies, usually reaches 1.3 m in height and 4.8 m in width
Type: Flowering plant
Living: Yes
Sentient: No
Potential/Current Hazards None known
Required Wear/Weaponry None
Location: Samples of the blood berry plant are kept in most Insurgent facilities.


The berries the subject produces are a vital component to the Insurgency's medical operations. As such, these berries must be harvested weekly, juiced, and sent to medical bays and staff.


Subject is a species of flowering plant indigenous to the Andaman Islands. The plant is found naturally in low-light areas, and, at first glance, looks no different from a generic berry bush. The aforementioned berries are about 4 cm in diameter and dark red, as are the plant's flowers.

It is seemingly able to photosynthesize with no light present in the immediate vicinity; in fact, sunlight seems to only impede its growth. It is also able to draw water from any liquid containing it, from saltwater to cola, when its roots are introduced to said liquids.

The berries from the plant contain varying amounts of human blood. Once this blood is intravenously introduced to a human, it will change its type to match that of said human. This property could, theoretically, remove the need for blood banks entirely, instead replacing them with farms of the plant. As such, any uncontained specimens of the subject are to be exterminated, keeping the risk of rediscovery and independent profit low.

Specimens of the subject are to be stored in a 12 m x 12 m x 6 m underground storage unit in every facility capable of supporting such a room. Light levels are to be kept at very low, while humidity and temperature are to be kept at very high, though not exceeding 98% and 40° Celsius respectively. Weekly harvests must be carried out, followed by extraction of the blood from the berries. On-site and field medics are encouraged (though not required) to carry transfusion bags containing the berry blood on their person.

Appendix 1: No non-medical personnel are allowed to have more than 4 liters of berry blood in their possession at any given time. This restriction does not include First Aid kits, storage tanks, or transfusion bags currently in use, as these are already restricted to medical staff. Violators of this rule face restricted access privileges and potential termination.

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