2024 Bounty Hunt

The Voting Phase has started!

Welcome to the 2024 Bounty Hunt. The goal of this contest is to shine a spotlight on the lesser utilized parts of our lore and break away from the usual tropes. In order to achieve that, this contest has 9 bounties posted below. Every submission must satisfy at least 2 bounties in order to be eligible. Just tag your submission(s) with bounty-hunt2024 in order to participate.

Submissions open Sunday, 17th of November and close Sunday, 15th of December. All creative writing formats are allowed, be they Items, Tales, PoIs or something else. You can even make multiple submissions, assuming they individually meet the criteria. The voting periods ends with the end of the Year.


Far over our heads we found a forest. A sticky forest that wants to eat you. We do not know how it got here, but we like its metabolism. Our fleets need fuel.

Bounties Awarded: Bounty Ⅲ Bounty Ⅵ Bounty Ⅷ Bounty Ⅹ

Individual Mites have no particular reasoning capabilities, but display swarm intelligence in groups, in particular the mastery of celestial mechanics required to counteract their colony's orbital decay with controlled detonations.

Bounties Awarded: Bounty Ⅲ Bounty Ⅶ Bounty Ⅷ

Traitors get dealt with. This one did not take it well. He took the ability to travel space from us and ran, right into the Serpent's Hand. A dangerous mix of connections, but an ability we simply can not do without. Space is worth dealing with a mad swarms puppet.

Bounties Awarded: Bounty Ⅲ Bounty Ⅴ Bounty Ⅶ


Bounty Ⅰ:

Your submissions heavily features the White Empress.

Bounty Ⅱ:

Your submissions is set in the Sectors and Steel setting.

Bounty Ⅲ:

Your submissions takes place in space.

Bounty Ⅳ:

Your submissions heavily features the RAC.

Bounty Ⅴ:

Your submissions heavily features the Serpent's Hand.

Bounty Ⅵ:

Your submissions deals with the weather or is otherwise meteorological.

Bounty Ⅶ:

Your submissions has something to do with insects, arachnids or other arthropods.

Bounty Ⅷ:

Your submissions includes corrosion or other aggressive chemical hazards.

Bounty Ⅸ:

Your submissions is about birds.

Bounty Ⅹ:

Your submissions concerns itself with plants or plant-related matters.

Fair Play:

Participants and other wiki members must not engage in systematic advertising, self-voting, downvoting of the competition or substantial edits after the submission.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.